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Consolidation Leads To Revenue Growth with Chris Rothstein

  • 13 November 2023
  • 1 reply


Let me guess. You're constantly dealing with a persistent challenge - the need to streamline and consolidate your sales operations. It can get messy, but Chris Rothstein, co-founder and CEO of Groove, is the mastermind behind it all. Chris shares his secrets on how consolidation provides a closed loop between insight and action, streamlining processes, increasing productivity, and, of course, running revenue.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

1. Why consolidation without compromising essential capabilities is crucial for effective sales operations. This can streamline processes, increase productivity, and provide better control over growth. Having all revenue applications under one roof is essential, as it eliminates the challenges caused by multiple solutions that don't communicate effectively.

2. How collaboration and alignment lead to successful partnerships and acquisitions Building partnerships requires a thorough understanding of the other side, conducting due diligence, and finding the right partners. It is crucial to have the right people on board who are committed and understand the vision.

3. Why tech consolidation should focus on generating a comprehensive and seamless data set. Generating a comprehensive data set is essential for workflows, machine learning, and AI. It is important to consider both the cost-saving aspect and the capability-enhancing aspect when consolidating technologies.


1 reply

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Great stuff! You can find the full Run Revenue podcast here.
