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There's still time to complete the exercises.

  • 16 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hey Gang,

There’s still time to complete the Week 1 & 2 exercise before our next huddle on Wednesday. 

Each exercise should only take ~20min.


Week 1- exercise here

Week 2- exercise here


(if you only have time to complete one exercise, I suggest Week 2)


This is important.

The benefit of implementing a cadence is having visibility across each metric on a recurring basis. 


We’ll start Wednesday’s huddle reviewing takeaways and questions from the exercises above. 

Already did it?
Let us know here :)

 @Alfonso Alvarado , @Anne Cahill , @Jordan Gaynes , @RegiJose16 , @hrobinette , @Ankita Kumari , @Brad Freundlich , @Cristina Lawler , @Cris Bratsis , @Jeanine Thrasher , @Moira Noiseux , @Silvia Parrado 


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Also, for those who just registered for Week 3:

  • Introduce yourself here.
  • Try out the Week 2 exercise here and see where you land. 
    @Kyle Gibbs , @Shir Marcus , @Tomas Kral 
