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Introduce yourself to your peers in the cohort. 🤓

Prompts to consider: 


  • Your Name + @Company
  • Your current role
  • Your family, pets, etc
  • How long you have been using Clari
  • #1 priority in Q3 
  • Amber Williams @OpsNectar 
  • Title: Fractional RevOps. I help companies standardize their revenue data to increase customer satisfaction, boost efficiency, and leverage AI effectively. 
  • I have a German Shepherd 🐕 and a toddler 👶🏼 so I’m pretty occupied!
  • Clari user for ~3yrs
  • #1 priority in Q3 is to surface and prevent new business revenue leak

Shaundra Toy - Groove SE, newer to Clari Core and interested in seeing what our customers are most excited by in Clari… Live in Fullerton, CA with family and two rescue dogs.

Stephanie Pisani, LogicGate

Senior Manager, RevOps

1 daughter, 1 Portuguese Water Dog puppy

I’ve been using Clari for about 1 year

Tips for looking 1-2 quarters out to determine how much pipeline we should be building

  • Scott K. Wilder - From Clari. 
  • Title: Head of Digital Success . 
  • I have a Grizzly, a Labradoodle
  • Here to learn from you all - I have been at Clari for a year, but never used the product beforehand, so I am still learning.

Hello everyone!

  • Your Name + @Company - Heather Robinette @ AppOmni
  • Your current role - Senior Revenue Operations Manager
  • Your family, pets, etc - My husband Chris and two boxers, Sami and Tumbleweed
  • How long you have been using Clari - Little over a year 
  • #1 priority in Q3 - Rolling out ARR reporting

  • William Lauffer @
  • GTM Revenue Enablement Manager
  • Have a mini-dachshund named Romeo
  • Clari user for 2 years
  • #1 priority in Q3 to drive measurable increase in our expansion motion


 @Shaundra Toy , @Stephanie Pisani , @Scott K Wilder , @hrobinette , @William Lauffer so great to have you on board! 

As you work through the Week 1 exercise, let us know what you find in the comments over there. 

  • Kenna Valdez, @ Clari!
  • Community Manager: looking forward to supporting you all in this Q3 cohort
  • I’m mama to a toddler named Xavier (dad’s name is Luis) and a little mixed blonde pup named Quinn!
  • I’m coming up on my 5 year Clariversary, which seems absolutely wild! IYKYK

Hi everyone!!

  • Katrina Senour, Clari
  • Product Enablement
  • Engaged to be married on Aug 31!!! We live with our 2 dogs, Indiana (Husky) and Tava (Shepard mix?)
  • Mid August will mark ONE YEAR at Clari
  • My priority is helping Amber bring her vision to life and hit the ground running with her Summer Cohort and helping you all find success in your role!

@Kenna being a toddler Mom is the life , isn’t it 🤗

@Katrina Senour  OMG congrats on your engagement! So soon :D

@amber-victoria It is! We’ve had so much fun this summer now that he can really PLAY. It’s been a great forcing function to get me outside in the sun every evening after work 🤣👍

  • Tiffany Craig with Axios HQ
  • Head of RevOps
  • Husband and 2 kids living outside of DC
  • Early adopter back in 2015. Current copilot user (hubspot CRM)
  • #1 priority - increase win rates 

Welcome @Craigtr 👋

Excited to welcome you into the cohort ☺️

Hi @amber-victoria , 

  • Tomas Kral @ Epicor Software
  • Global Sales Operations and Enablement Manager
  • Two highschool ladies, two Poodle-mix pups 
  • Epicor has been using Clari for 4-5 years.  I’m 2 yrs into my journey with Clari
  • #1 priority for Q3 is drive best practice sharing within sales to increase utilization.  move past forecasting and show how Clari can help with inspection and proactive intelligence

@Tomas Kral , you made it into the group! 
Great to hear more about your priorities for expand sales adoption of Clari’s insights to capture more revenue. 
