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Reports for Bounced Emails

  • March 5, 2025
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to download to Excel or some other file those emails that have bounced from a flow?


1 reply

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 949 replies
  • March 5, 2025

Hi, ​@twegleitner! It looks like your organization has the Disable Deletion of Bounced Emails setting enabled, so the most comprehensive way to view bounced email data would be by running a Salesforce report on the Task object. You can filter a Task report by:

  • [Subject] contains "Bounced"
  • [Groove Sent from Flow] = true
  • [Is Created By Groove] = true
  • Any other fields they may want to limit this data by

Then you could pull in the following columns to the report:

  • [Flow Name]
    • You can consider using the [Flow Name] field as a filter if they wanted to limit the Tasks shown in the report to Tasks only created from one Flow.  alternatively, you can keep it as a column and group your report by this field if you want to see Tasks with bounced emails from all Flows.
  • [Step Name]
  • [Step Number]
  • Any other fields that would help you review this data

If you want to export this data solely from the Groove web app, then you can navigate to the People Tab of your Flow and export the "Failed", "Exited", and "Bounced" lists:

  • The "Bounced" tab will contain people who bounced in the Flow and were not removed from the Flow as a result of that bounce
  • The "Exited" tab will contain people who bounced in the Flow and were removed as a result of that bounce (by an [On Bounce] automated action) so long as they did not bounce in the first step of the Flow.  The Exit Reason would be listed as just "AUTOMATED_ACTION".  However, there would also be other Contacts/Leads in this export that did not bounce, and it could be challenging to pick out which ones did and which ones didn't. 
    • If a person bounces in the first step of a Flow, and there is an automated action to remove people from the Flow 'On Bounce' , then these people will not show up in any of these sections. This is because the 'Exited' tab only shows people who were removed from a Flow after having successfully completing at least one step.  In the case of these people, they would not be considered as successfully completing a step because an email bounce is not a successful completion (as the recipient would never have actually received the email).
  • The "Failed" tab will contain any people whose emails bounced pre-send and were not removed from the Flow as a result of that bounce. If the action has since been re-executed on, then that person would not show up in the "Failed" tab anymore, as their failure in the Flow would have been rectified.  However, this export would also contain Contacts/Leads who failed for reasons other than their emails bouncing. The "Reason" column could be used to refine this export to just those Contacts/Leads that bounced.

For your organization, since you do have the Disable Deletion of Bounced Emails enabled, I think the Salesforce Report will provide a more accurate and comprehensive list without requiring manual parsing of the data in the exports.


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