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I recently learned the maximum number of Starred Opportunities allowed by Clari is 2000.

To avoid hitting this limit, can someone let me know if there is any functionality to mass “un-star” opportunities from prior Quarters?

Can any automation be set that once a quarter is closed, Opportunities are un-starred?

Has anyone else experienced this limit? What has been the work-around besides manually going into each Opp to un-star?

Appreciate your insight.




Hi @Barinda Zarn 

Only short term option is to clear the deals with "Unstar all deals" or manually removing some. 



Thank you @Lizzie Rupp for the feedback. I submitted an Idea request to allow for filtering by timeframe for starred Opportunities to more easily identify a subset and mass update to clear the star. Otherwise, as you point out, it is mass clearing of all and then manually going back to identify the ones you want to keep.


Thank you again,

