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The job of a CEO is to lead the board, not manage it.

Andy Byrne

The job of a CEO is to lead the board, not manage it.

In our board meetings, my goal isn’t to seek approval or avoid criticism. Instead, I call out operational shortcomings, share our plans for improvement, and get the board to pressure test our thinking on proposed solutions.

Our goal is to maximize the brainpower of our board in a manner that gives us a competitive advantage.  It wasn’t always like this. It took years of refinement.

To help you do the same, I put all my learnings together and published The Executive’s Guide to Successful Board Meetings to show execs how to get the most out of their board. See attached.

The guide covers: 
- Your exact role in the meeting (and common mistakes to avoid)
- A framework for prep, delivery and effective follow up
- Why the meetings between the meetings matter (and how to make the most of them)

What’s inside this new report

If you’re leading or contributing to board meetings, I believe this will help you realize your board’s full potential – leading to increased prosperity for all stakeholders – customers, employees & investors.  Enjoy! 



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