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  • 7 April 2022
  • 4 replies

Isabella here! I manage sales strategy & analytics for Gainsight, and I’m also Gainsight’s Clari Admin.

I don’t have any pets, but I grew up on a small family ranch in the Bay Area and really miss my dog back home! I currently live in central VA. Outside of work, I love exploring outdoors, especially hiking. 

I love how Clari has given us easy visibility into SFDC opportunities and forecasting capabilities. I’m excited to be working with our CSM to create a great multi-product instance in Clari that will scale as our company grows! 

4 replies

Hey Isabella! So glad to have you here. What types of animals did y'all have on the ranch? That sounds so fun!

I bet it’s beautiful out in VA right now.


Come share a tip or trick under “Show & Tell”! I bet you have some good ideas. 

Userlevel 3
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We have a bunch - goats, alpacas, dogs, turkeys, geese, chickens, ducks, African guinea fowl, rabbits, and cows! 

And, yes, the weather is perfect these days in Virginia. Not looking forward to the humid summer though! 

Userlevel 3
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Where is the Show and Tell section? I searched from the Community home page and didn’t find it. 


Come check out Show & Tell under the Learn & Share category page.


You can use this direct link.
