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My organization wants to see the product make up of each of their opportunities. The problem I’m running into is that my account detail/grid only shows one line item, and doesn’t show the full product mix that is associated with the opportunity.


For example, if my seller has put together an opportunity for products A & B the grid and detail will only reflect the product name/product code of the line items with most quantity. 


I’ve tried grouping my opportunities and layering in Product information in a stacked bar chart, but the problem I run into with this is Clari buckets some of the Products into “Other” rather than displaying their full name/product code. This could work, but I don’t know how to prevent Clari from bucketing some values into “Other”.


Does anyone know how to display all products associated with an opportunity either in the Opportunity Grid/Detail/groupings? Or, does anyone know how to prevent Clari from bucketing my groupings into “other” so I can show an accurate view of the product types in an opportunity? 


Appreciate your help. 



Hi, @Donald Hayes! I’ve been doing some asking around about this. How many products would you say are typically associated with any given opportunity, and about how many different product lines are you working with in your CRM overall? 

Hi, @Kenna. Thanks for reaching out. On average I would estimate we average 3 line items per order, and a few thousand product lines in our CRM. We have unique SKUs for different yearly agreements and product configurations. 

Thanks, Donald.

With this number of product lines in CRM, it sounds like you are probably running into a maximum threshold of values that Clari is able to display in a Chart. Once you hit that maximum, additional values are lumped into the “Other” bucket that is causing visibility issues for you. 

For one step, I would recommend submitting an idea so that your feedback reaches our Product team directly! We can also see what other folks have to say about how they’ve configured their Opp Grid, and possibly their Details Panel to get visibility into all the products on a given opportunity.
