I want to welcome this week’s newest members to the Clari Community @Zen Rosen @Koichi Sakamoto @Jesse Washington @Daniel van der Walt @Chia-Ling Chiang @Brendan Brang @Ethan Wenz @Diane Thelen @Jerry Broll @Denise LeFave @Carlos Garcia @Bryan O'Driscoll @Edward Baker @JillEaslick @Ed Hernandez @jsmac8218 @Rob Allen @Thomas Schori @shivamagg @Marina Fritzsche @Yash Patel @David Gardiner @Joe Peters @Julianne Joyce-hunt @maugioia @Byron Viets @Mearlear Banzon @Calvin Chen @April Watson @anthonylanguageinspired @Nick Ford @Aaron Strelinski @Rohit Kumar
Now that you are members of the Clari Circle, feel free to share one thing that you hope to learn from Clari and your peers in the next 12 months. Since we are always looking for content ideas, this is your opportunity to help us build out Community content.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for any part of the Clari Circle.