Introducing The Clari Circle

  • 3 August 2023
  • 0 replies
Introducing The Clari Circle
Userlevel 7
Badge +17
  • Community Manager
  • 495 replies

Drop everything now! 🎤


We’re thrilled to welcome you to The Clari Circle (a.k.a. The Circle). This space is designed for revenue professionals to learn about Clari’s products, fine-tune how they run revenue, and accelerate their careers.


The Circle consists of the Clari Community, Clari University, and Knowledge Base, but with a new look and a more unified experience so that you can seamlessly collaborate, learn, and get help when you need it. We will continue to roll out more resources to help you do your jobs better, faster, and more easily.


Let’s collaborate.


Our goal is to create a space where you can learn and grow with others. Therefore, we are excited to invite you all to participate in the Clari Circle Collab. We want to hear about the challenges you have faced as you’ve developed your revenue craft and career, and provide an opportunity for all of us to share our wins and learnings with each other. Here are the details:


How to enter:

Submit your video recording or drafted text post to


  1. YOU. Introduce yourself: your name, your title, your company, and a bit about your role and what you do on a daily basis.
  2. THE CHALLENGE. What business case/problem did you need to solve for?
  3. THE SOLUTION: How did you use Clari to help you solve your problem? Don’t worry about “promoting” Clari. We would rather hear about how you solved the problem.
  4. THE RESULTS. Share the outcomes you achieved: learnings, wins, or future opportunities for improvement that you want to share.These could be an increase in sales, a decrease in time spent on a task, cost savings, etc. Be as specific as you are comfortable sharing, or feel free to give percentages or ratios (i.e. X increase X%).


What’s in it for you:

If you submit a video or text post to us, you’ll receive a shoutout in our bi-weekly Clari Circle Digest, and some pretty cool loot 🎁 in the form of Clari swag and gift cards when we post your content in the community.


Please keep in mind that we always appreciate your feedback. If you have ideas for how we could make The Circle more useful to our community, please reach out at, shoot Kenna a direct message, or simply drop a comment in the thread below!


The Clari Circle Team


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