3 ways you can supercharge your revenue cadence using Copilot analytics

  • 15 December 2023
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Userlevel 2

Looking to uplevel as a team manager and get more insights from Copilot? You are in the right place. Here are three common questions that managers can answer using Copilot  dashboards.


Where is my team spending their time?

Are you spending most of your weekly 1:1 on your rep’s recap of last week’s activities? Start your week right by having this information handy and discussing ways to collaborate with them instead.

  • What proportion of their time are they spending on conversations with prospects or customers? Are there ways you can help them be more productive?
    • Find out what calls have happened in the past week by heading over to overview dashboard and understand how much time they spent on calls. Review a couple of relevant calls to understand what was discussed and share feedback in comments, as needed.
  • Did they use Copilot to prepare for their meeting? Did they write a follow up email or share feedback with the product team after their calls?
    • Check their Copilot usage on the activity dashboard. Encourage them to be more efficient by utilising Copilot’s AI generated summaries and action items to do follow-ups.


What are the key topics being discussed on their calls?

In addition to reviewing sample calls, you can also see what themes are your team members talking about on calls at an aggregated level and where they might need some help. 

  • Set up Topics to track themes you’re interested in. Copilot comes pre-configured with default topics relevant for revenue teams, so you could just start with reviewing those on the Topics dashboard and clicking into them to review calls where those topics came up.
  • Pick one theme every month to focus on for enablement - competitor handling is a great one to start with! There is a competitor specific dashboard too, where you can see which competitors are coming up more often and help your reps refine their talk tracks. 



How can I help my reps be more impactful on their calls?

With Copilot, you can adopt a data-driven approach to building a high output team. While staying informed is important, it is equally critical to take action from the insights you’re gathering. You can do both within Copilot and here’s how -

  1. Review key call metrics and identify high performing reps for benchmarks. You can use the Team Insights dashboard to review this information.



  1. Review their calls and share kudos. Pick their winning moments and create gametapes to share with the rest of the team for an effective peer learning program.
  2. Focus on the reps who need 1:1 coaching and identify areas of improvement. Score their performance on the call using one of our default templates or create one of your own. Over time, you can track progress and use Copilot to close the loop on certain skillsets that you want your reps to develop.

Have more revenue critical questions which you would like Copilot to help with? Let us know in comments!


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