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Talent is everything in revenue.


Sure, we spend a lot of time talking about AI, forecasting, and cadences. But these tools support reps in the trenches and the teams that surround them. You can have the best toolset in the world, but if your talent isn’t there the numbers won’t be either.


For revenue leaders, it’s mission critical to attract and retain top talent. And this pursuit can become a full-time job without the right framework to guide your efforts.


Today, I’d like to share a structured approach to talent, backed by 10 years of building at Clari. Use this framework to stack your team with A+ players and build a legendary career in revenue.


Attract talent with your core values


There’s a lot of noise when it comes to attracting talent. Talk to a dozen leaders and you’ll get a dozen opinions, ranging from complex interview schemes to referral-only hiring practices.


For me, talent is simpler than that.


It starts and ends with values. When you define what your team is about and how you’re serving clients, team members, and the company, the right talent falls into place.


At Clari, we leverage three core values in our hiring process.


Attitude is how Clari team members show up every day. And, importantly, how they respond to challenging situations. We’re looking for professionals with a growth mindset, problem-solving mentality, and an optimistic outlook.


Aptitude is the best-in-class skillset Clari team members bring to the table. We’re building the platform for revenue teams, so we need rockstar revenue talent. People who have the insights and experience to move the entire industry forward.


Authenticity is the open-book approach Clari team members use to communicate and address business challenges. At Clari, we talk, debate, and iterate. We’re transparent about what’s working and, importantly, what’s not. We need people who are happy to have the hard conversations.


By the way, these values only work if they’re demonstrated at every level of the organization. As leaders, we set the tone. We have to demonstrate self-reflection and continuous improvement. We have to create an environment where feedback is a two-way street.


The minute we take our values for granted, they become worthless.


Retain talent with a listening ear


Every day, companies lose top talent.


There are countless reasons why. You haven’t provided growth opportunities. You haven’t created space for work and life. You haven’t kept pace with salary expectations. You haven’t staffed leaders who support, guide, and recognize their teams.


And the results can be disastrous. All the time, money, and effort you pour into getting the right talent on board can evaporate overnight.


How do you keep this from happening at your company?


You have to listen. With an ear to the ground, you can often spot retention pitfalls before they sap your company of talent. You can identify and address the concerns keeping your best people from fully investing in the company.


At Clari, we deploy two main tactics.

  • Listening tours unlock channels of communication for our leaders. In addition to the everyday flow of conversations, Clari leaders set aside strategic time to gather insights, feedback, and perspectives. Listening tours power our efforts to retain top talent.
  • Bottom-up development puts Clari team members in the driver’s seat. Instead of rolling out generic training, commissioned by the top of the house, we focus on empowering frontline leaders and teams to own their development. Training is field-driven and peer-led.


I can’t stress this enough: Retaining top talent is an ongoing process. You can’t simply set up a ping-pong table, roll out some snacks, and expect top revenue professionals to give you their all.


Instead, listen carefully and respond swiftly.


Are you building a world class revenue team?


Top talent is the key to filling your pipeline, winning your clients, and growing your bottom line.


To attract and retain the best talent out there, take these steps:

  • Attract talent with your core values. Establish the non-negotiables that drive your business. Then, make sure every new team member buys in.
  • Retain talent with a listening ear. Don’t assume you know what motivates your team. Instead, ask questions and listen closely.


With this framework, you can fill your company with outstanding talent and launch a legendary revenue career.


To a winning team,


Andy Byrne

CEO, Clari

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