Mirjam Martin - Strategy Director@Clari - Intro

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My name is Mirjam Martin and I have been with Clari since June 2021. As an ex-RevOps Leader, the moment I took a look at Clari I wanted it so much, I jointed the company!

Today I work with many of our customers to take a deeper look at their forecasting setup, from how the solution has been configured to looking deeper at revenue collaboration and governance tweaks to achieve success. Customers have challenged me to think deeper about pipeline and product level reporting, getting Sales Development Representatives forecasting going, or how to summarise YTD rep achievement in Clari. Bring it on - loving being challenged by customers.

Outside of work my 2 teenage daughters, our Cavachon Kiwi alongside with my husband are keeping me busy. As I like cooking (or better said, I prefer to cook and know what I am eating as I am a veggie lover and vegetarian) we try to make meal-time a non-negotiable time every day. Anyone who has teenage daughters will know, they tend to keep to themselves so mealtimes is a great time to actually speak to them.

Looking forward to meeting everyone in the community!

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